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     Xayrullayev X.Z., Sattarova E.A.,  Сравнительно-сопоставительное языкознание // Comparative linguistics// Qiyosiy-chog‘ishtirma tilshunoslik 

Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanma “O‘zbekiston Respublikasi oliy ta’lim, fan va innovatsiyalar davlat ta’lim standarti”ga muvofiq hamda “Qiyosiy-chog‘ishtirma  tilshunoslik” fanining o‘quv dasturi asosida tayyorlangan. 60230100 – Filologiya va tillarni o‘qitish (rus tili) ta’lim yo‘nalishi talabalari uchun mo‘ljallangan.

2024-02-23 10:19:41 | ko'rishlar soni: 498 | Yuklab olindi: 212-marta

Obruyeva G.X. Pedagogical skill and culture// Pedagogik mahorat va madaniyat

It is recommended as a manual on the discipline « Pedagogical skill and culture» for students studying bachelor's degree 60111800 - Foreign language and literature (English). This manual provides an overview of the principles of pedagogy and different approaches to teaching and learning, as well as the key elements of effective communication and how to use these skills to build relationships with students, colleagues, and parents. Additionally, in this book the role of culture in education and how to create a culturally responsive classroom that meets the needs of all learners are explored.

2024-02-23 10:19:41 | ko'rishlar soni: 192 | Yuklab olindi: 80-marta

 Ismailov A.R., Amriddinova N.Sh., Obruyeva G.X., Shomurodova Sh.J. Historical monuments of Uzbekistan// O‘zbekiston tarixiy obidalari

  It is recommended as a textbook on the discipline «Historical monuments of Uzbekistan» for students studying bachelor's degree 60111800 - Foreign language and literature (English). This textbook aims to sensitize students to the Uzbek history in English by helping them gain insight into its intricacies and complexities.  The hand-book will draw on methodologies that involve awareness-raising techniques to empower the students and to help them develop their own understanding of the history. It delves into from the early period of Uzbek history to the current century

2024-02-23 10:19:34 | ko'rishlar soni: 229 | Yuklab olindi: 93-marta

   The aim of the textbook is to form a standard pronunciation, British and/or American, and to develop the ability to correctly use phonetic forms in the process of intercultural communication. There are different types of exercises in this textbook. They include tasks, which will help the first year students to train in their speech. A part of the exercises is devoted to putting down the words in traditional writing; writing the words in groups according to the final voiced and voiceless consonant sound; spelling the words and read them; dividing words in two columns according to the type of syllables, and selecting the proper English rhymes, proverbs, tongue-twisters. There are also exercises on transcribing and doing tonogram of the words through the use of a dictionary or glossary of English-Russian-Uzbek. This textbook is based on Mark Hancock’s book, and it represents the basis of exercises on the practical part of phonetics.

2024-02-23 10:19:34 | ko'rishlar soni: 245 | Yuklab olindi: 110-marta

Ismailov A.R.,  Shomurodova Sh.J.,  Akindikov N.B.,  Djurayeva Sh.G.   Independent Study skills

This textbook is oriented to students' independent study through modern interactive methods. It draws on the specific aspects of education, students' independent choice for study and learning methods, self-assessment, the appropriate ways of setting the goals in order to improve knowledge and skills, make the proper plans for the future as well as the issues related to its implementation.

The textbook is recommended for students of the specialty 60111800 - Foreign language and literature (the English language) as tutorial literature on “Independent study skills”.

2024-01-18 14:39:29 | ko'rishlar soni: 210 | Yuklab olindi: 94-marta

Amriddinova N.Sh. Jahon adabiyoti, Всемирная литература, The world literature

This manual aims to sensitize students to the world literature in English by helping them gain insight into its intricacies and complexities. The hand-book will draw on awareness of students to help them develop their own understanding of the literature, by delving into from the ancient period of classical literature to the XX th century.

The manual can be used by independent learners, students in tertiary education, especially students of philology faculty in universities, researches, and teachers who educate the world literature in EFL classrooms

2024-01-18 14:39:29 | ko'rishlar soni: 205 | Yuklab olindi: 103-marta

Guliyeva E.F. Reading and Writing

The primary objective of “Reading and Writing” textbook is to provide teachers with reading and academic writing instructional content to support their teaching process and engage students in various types of work to become successful readers and effective academic writers in their field of research. In particular, the manual contains a range of valuable strategies and techniques for "successful" reading and academic writing skills development, as well as practical activities for improving the new knowledge of students in the field of academic research.

This textbook is recommended for third-year students studying for Bachelor's degree 60111800 Foreign language and literature (English) and covers all major components of reading and academic writing. The textbook will be a useful assistant in preparing students for work in the field of scientific research, as well as for anyone interested in the development of reading and academic writing competence by applying their acquired knowledge in the field of academic research.

2024-01-07 11:42:34 | ko'rishlar soni: 280 | Yuklab olindi: 143-marta

Ismailov A.R., Obruyeva G.X., Balyasnikova M.A., Fayzullayeva D.U.  Teaching and Integrating Language Skills

It is recommended as a manual on the discipline «Teaching and Integrating Language Skills» for students studying bachelor's degree 60111800 - Foreign language an literature (English) and  serves as means  of forming and educating a linguistic personality, increasing the level of communicative competence, introducing the basic aspects of teaching a foreign language. Learners gain a true picture of the richness and complexity of the English language.

2024-01-07 11:42:34 | ko'rishlar soni: 254 | Yuklab olindi: 113-marta

Sidikova N.N. Ingliz tili nazariy aspektlari (Nazariy Grammatika) / Теоретические аспекты английского языка (Tеоретическая грамматика) / Theoretical aspects of the English language (The Theoretical Grammar)

Ushbu darslik  pedagogika ta'lim sohasining 60111800 -“Xorijiy til va adabiyoti” yo'nalishida tahsil oladigan talabalarga mo'ljallangan bo'lib, O'zbekiston Respublikasida mavjud filologik OTMlari 3 bosqich talabalari va ta'lim sohasining  70111801-“Xorijiy til va adabiyoti” yo'nalishida tahsil oladigan 1 bosqich magistrlariga  ingliz tili nazariy grammatikasi   fanini o'rganishda  hamda mustaqil ta'lim topshiriqlarini bajarishda  foydalanish uchun tavsiya etiladi. Darslik  ingliz tili nazariy grammatikasining dolzarb muammolarini qamrab oluvchi fonetik, grammatik, leksik va  stilistik xususiyatlari borasida axborot beradi.

2024-01-07 11:42:34 | ko'rishlar soni: 338 | Yuklab olindi: 209-marta

Qo‘ldoshov O‘.O‘. Yozma tarjima

“Yozma tarjima” o‘quv qo‘llanmasi tarjima nazariyasi va amaliyoti ta’lim yo‘nalishi 2-kurs bakalavr bosqichi talabalari, tarjima sohasiga qiziquvchilar va keng kitobxonlar ommasi uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, unda tarjima nazariyasi va amaliyotiga doir umumiy masalalar hamda ingliz tilidan o‘zbek tiliga tarjima qilishning leksik masalalari qamrab olingan. Tarjimonlik sohasi boʻyicha bilim va koʻnikmalarini kengaytirish istagida bo‘lgan oliy oʻquv yurtlari oʻqituvchilari va talabalari uchun keng qamrovli o‘quv qoʻllanma hisoblanadi. O‘quv qo‘llanma 3 ta qismdan iborat.

O‘quv qo‘llanma talabalarni tarjimonlik sohasida ishlashga tayyorlashda, shuningdek, tarjimaga o‘rgatishning dastlabki bosqichi bo‘lgan so‘z va so‘z birikmalari tarjimasi ustida ishlash yo‘llarini o‘rgatishga qaratilgan muhim manba bo’lib xizmat qiladi.

2024-01-07 11:42:34 | ko'rishlar soni: 312 | Yuklab olindi: 146-marta