Magistrlik dissertatsiyalari


Научная новизна работы заключается в том, что текст загадки впервые рассматривается в номинативном аспекте. До сих пор исследования проблем номинации не распространялись на уровень текста, ограничиваясь анализом слова и предложения. Представляется принципиально новым выделение и анализ категории текстовой номинации как доминирующей категории в анализируемом виде текста. Новым является развиваемое в работе понятие многослойного текстового уровня (уровня текста). Новой является предлагаемая в работе методика выявления номинативных характеристик текста загадки через сопоставление механизма обозначения одного и того же объекта отдельным словом и текстом загадки.

2021-05-06 13:53:10 | ko'rishlar soni: 954 | Yuklab olindi: 435-marta

Tadqiqotning nazariy va amaliy ahamiyati. Mazkur ishda tarjimashunoslikda iboralar muammolaridan boʻlgan adekvatlikning ifoda shakllarini, xususan, ma’lum leksik vositalar orqali adekvatlikka erishish usullari va ularning ichki va tashqi sistemasiga xos xususiyatlar tahlil qilinadi. Bajarilgan ushbu tahlil, ya’ni aniqlangan holatlar til va nutq hodisalarini farqlash bilan bir qatorda, tarjima jarayonidagi iboralarni tarjima qilishdagi mos kelmaslik muammolari yuzasidan muhim nazariy xulosalarga kelish imkonini beradi. Ishning tahlil natijalaridan tarjima faniga aloqador muammolar yechimini topishda, shuningdek, ushbu fan yuzasidan oʻqitiladigan maxsus kurslar boʻyicha ma’ruzalar matni yoki oʻquv-uslubiy qoʻllanmalar yaratish hamda fanni oʻqitish jarayonida foydalanish mumkin.

Tadqiqotimizning manbai qilib Jeyn Ostinning “Andisha va gʻurur” asari va asarda qoʻllanilgan iboralar, ularning tarjimada berilishi, bundan tashqari Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English, Oxford Dictionary of Idioms, The Concise Oxford Dictionary of Current English kabi izohli lugʻatlar olindi.

2021-02-13 14:09:00 | ko'rishlar soni: 2642 | Yuklab olindi: 1892-marta


This master's thesis on “Borrowed words in the Arabic vocabulary” studies the history of the Arabic language, the stages of its development, and at the same time the modern look of the Arabic language. Conducting research from the perspective of Arabic lexicography, illuminates a term such as “Arabization”. Studying borrowed vocabulary within the framework of the Arabic vocabulary, conducts complex analyzes of factors and phenomena that influenced borrowed vocabulary. Explores the process of assimilation of borrowed vocabulary.


Данная магистерская диссертация на тему «Заимствованные слова в словарном фонде арабского языка» изучает историю арабского языка, этапы его развития, и вместе с тем современный облик арабского языка. Проводя исследование в ракурсе арабской лексикографии, освещает такой термин как «арабизация». Изучая заимствованную лексику в рамках арабского словарного фонда, проводит комплексные анализы факторов и явлений, оказавших влияние на заимствованную лексику. Исследует процесс ассимиляции заимствованной лексики.

2021-02-13 13:58:04 | ko'rishlar soni: 2572 | Yuklab olindi: 1670-marta

В настоящей магистерской диссертации «Современные лингвистические тенденции интерпретации текста как единицы языка и речи (на материале английского языка)» излагаются результаты исследования выдвинутой проблемы в следующей последовательности:

1) Основные проблемы лингвистики текста на современном этапе – Глава 1.

2) Коммуникативно-номинативная характеристика определённых видов текста – Глава 2.

3) Исследования функционально-прагматического аспекта текста – Глава 3.

2020-10-23 17:05:25 | ko'rishlar soni: 1101 | Yuklab olindi: 527-marta

The actuality of this work is stipulated by the fact that the status of foreign languages in XXI century is very important issue in the system of world education. Studying foreign languages, particularly English, as the means of international communication, is one of the main factors in formation new relationships and norms of behavior in the modern conditions of human life. And it is very important to work out effective methods of teaching children with specific language impairment.

The research hypothesis consists of the following: the process of teaching foreign languages to students with specific language impairment will be more effective if we use variety of modern methods in order to develop language skills of English of such learners.

The practical value of this paper is that, practical result and all the given examples can be used at practical lessons at schools with children with specific language impairment. This research paper can also be useful to other students who are interested in this field of linguistics.

2020-10-23 17:01:40 | ko'rishlar soni: 1275 | Yuklab olindi: 633-marta

В первой главе рассматривается теоретические основы исследования текста или в широкой значимости текста как дискурса. А также обращается внимание на понятие дискурса и текста разными лингвистами. Разница и соотношения между дискурсом и текстом. Определяется общее значение дискурса в лингвистике

Вторая глава работы называется стратегия и методы анализа политического дискурса. В этой главе рассматривается лексические, морфологические, стилистические и фразеологические особенности политического дискурса. Определяются типы, разновидности, формы политического дискурса и разными методами анализируется дискурс политиков Италии.

2020-10-23 16:57:34 | ko'rishlar soni: 1311 | Yuklab olindi: 733-marta

The topicality of the theme. After year of development scientific investigation of the language in vocabulary and increasing learners' speaking ability brought demands for active using vocabulary in the classroom for developing student's proficiency in oral speech. Vocabulary represents one of most important skills necessary for teaching and learning a foreign language. It is the basis for the development of all the other skills: reading comprehension, listening comprehension, speaking, writing, spelling and pronunciation. Vocabulary is the main tool for the students in their attempt to use English effectively. When confronted with a native English speaker, when watching a movie without subtitle or when listening to a favorite English song, when reading a text or when writing a letter to a friend, students will always need to operate with words. In what follows, the focus of this introductory chapter will be on why vocabulary is important, on what makes words difficult, on the main reasons for which students often forget the words they learn and on some techniques, which help them remember the vocabulary.

This dissertation thrash out the role of vocabulary in teaching process resulting from factors and provide a broader "snapshot" of English vocabulary by traditional teaching English.

2019-11-25 11:06:02 | ko'rishlar soni: 1336 | Yuklab olindi: 621-marta

This master's thesis the emergence of romanticism in Western European literature and the role of the concept of love in Shatobrian works highlights; identification of the concept of love in romance; The influence of Shatobrian is works on the romantic genre is described and the essence of Atala and Rene as well as the love of Shakhtas and Atala and love of Shakhtas to reveal the worldview of Shatobrian's works are discussed.

Key words: romanticism, the concept of Love, strong feeling for love of a subject to an object, view of two worlds, common category of objects.

2019-10-14 17:00:12 | ko'rishlar soni: 1501 | Yuklab olindi: 715-marta

Magistrlik dissertatsiya mavzusi "Qo'shma gaplarning pragmatik ma'no xususiyatlari" deb nomlanib, qo'shma gapning pragmatik xususiyatlari hamda ularning nutq jarayonida namoyon bo'lish hodisalari o'rganildi. Qo'shma gap mazmuninning tinglovchi tomonidan anglashilish muammolari pragmatik, semantik hamda sintaktik jihatdan tahlili amalga oshirildi.

The basis of the dissertation is to learn pragmatic features of compound sentences. The main plot is devoted to the pragmatic analysis of sentence and semantic classification of syntactic units.

The aim of the dissertation is to define the notion of pragmatics, analyzing sentence structure in linguistics. Besides, the dissertation provides analysis of language possession process and ability to use it during speech situation by human beings.

2019-04-24 14:57:46 | ko'rishlar soni: 5956 | Yuklab olindi: 4321-marta

Mazkur “Chet tillarini o`qitishda innovatsion metodlar va ularning uslubiy tahlili” nomli dissertatsiya ishida mamlakatimiz uzluksiz ta`lim tizimida olib borilayotgan ishlar, qolaversa, yurtimizda chet tillarni o`qitishga berilayotgan e`tibor, chet tillarining o`qitishda metodikaning rivojlangan yutuqlaridan foydalanib ta`lim jarayoniga yangicha innovatsion o`qitish metodlarini joriy qilish va bu orqali ta`lim sifatida ijobiy ta`sir ko`rsatish haqida to`xtalib o`tilgan.

The following scientific research – «Innovative methods in teaching foreign languages and their classification» - represents the improvements of the national continuous education system, and the achievements of language learning in the republic, introducing contemporary innovative achievements of methodology in teaching in order to improve the factors affecting the quality of education.

2019-03-09 12:11:26 | ko'rishlar soni: 2892 | Yuklab olindi: 1127-marta