Shomurodova Sh.J., Mirsanov G‘.Q., Ismailov A.R., Narzikulova R.A., Abduraximova F.K., Djurayeva Sh.G‘. O‘zbekiston tarixiy obidalari: O‘zbekiston asrlar chorrahasida / Исторические памятники Узбекистана: Узбекистан на перекрёстке веков / Historical monuments of Uzbekistan: Uzbekistan is at the crossroads of centuries.
Mazkur darslik oliy o‘quv yurtlarining ingliz tili va turizm sohasiga tegishli yo‘nalishlarida tahsil olayotgan talaba-yoshlar uchun mo‘ljallangan bo‘lib, auditoriya, mustaqil ta’lim yo‘nalishlari hamda soha qiziquvchilari shug’ullanishlari uchun foydalanish mumkin.
Данный учебник предназначен для студентов, обучающихся по направлениям английского языка и туризма в высших учебных заведениях, и может быть использован для аудиторных занятий, самостоятельных занятий, а также для заинтересованных в этой области студентов.
This textbook is intended for students of higher educational institutions studying in the fields of English and tourism, and can be used for classroom, independent study, and for those interested in the field.
Mazkur darslik maxsus sohalardagi bo‘lajak axborot – texnologiyalari mutaxassislarini axborot texnologiyalari mutaxassislari va shu yo‘nalishda tahsil oluvchi talabalarga ingliz tilini o‘rganish jarayonida amaliy yordam beradi.
Darslik 60610100–Axborot – kommunikatsiya texnologiyalari, 60610200 – Axborot xavfsizligi, 60610300 – Kompyuter injiniring, 60610400 – Dasturiy injiniring, 60610500 – Sun’iy intellekt, 60610600 – Telekommunikatsiya texnologiyalari, 60610700 – Televizion texnologiyalar, 60611100 – Infokommunikatsiya inginiring, 60611200 – Kiberxavfsizlik injiniringi mutaxassisliklari talabalariga o‘qitiladigan “Xorijiy til (ingliz tili)” fanifanidan o‘quv adabiyoti sifatida tavsiya etiladi.
“Tarjima didaktikasi” o‘quv qo‘llanmasi tarjimashunoslik sohasini samarali o‘qitish uchun zarur bo‘lgan asosiy tamoyillar va usullar, zamonaviy o‘qitish texnologiyalariga bag‘ishlangan. Mazkur qo‘llanma Tarjima sohasidagi bo‘lajak o‘qituvchilarni tarjimaning nazariy va amaliy jihatlari, o‘g‘zaki va yozma tarjimani o‘qitishning zamonaviy metodoligiyasiga qaratilgan.
The course book “Didactics of Translation” thoroughly examines the fundamental principles and methods necessary for effectively teaching translation. It delves into both the theoretical foundations of translation education and the practical strategies for instructing in oral and written translation.
The manual includes numerous structured exercises designed to build and refine students' teaching skills and abilities. It highlights crucial topics such as intercultural communication, the ethical responsibilities of translators, and the importance of tailoring educational materials to align with modern higher education standards. This detailed guide is intended for students, educators, and professional translators who aim to deepen their expertise in translation didactics.
Ushbu mamlakatshunoslik elektron darsligi Ingliz tilida yozilgan bo‘lib, Ingliz tilida soʻzlashuvchi mamlakatlar tarixi, madaniyati, siyosati, joʻgʻrofiyasi, taʼlimi, iqtisodiyoti va sportiga asoslangan yo‘nalishlarni chuqur oʻrganishga moʻljallangan. Darslikda taqdim etilgan material ingliz tilida so‘zlashuvchi mamlakatlarini tushunishda talabalarning mustaqil o‘rganishiga qaratilgan bo‘lib, u 2023-yildagi ishonchli manbalardan ma‘lumotlarni o‘z ichiga oladi.
Darslik 60111800 - Xorijiy til va adabiyoti (ingliz tili) taʼlim yoʻnalishi talabalari uchun “Mamlakatshunoslik” fanidan o‘quv adabiyoti sifatida tavsiya etiladi.
This e-textbook on country studies in English is intended for in-depth study of the discipline based on the studying history, culture, politics, geography, education, economics and sports of the English-speaking countries. The material presented in the e-textbook is aimed at self-development of students in understanding of the English-speaking countries. It covers data from reliable sources in 2023. The e-textbook can be used independently by students of philological faculties of language universities, scientific applicants, as well as teaching staff in the discipline “Country Studies” in an English-speaking audience.
Mazkur “Theoretical basis of Phraseology” nomli o`quv qo’llanma 60230100-Filologiya va tillarni o’qitish (ingliz tili) mutaxassisligi talabalariga o‘qitiladigan “Frazeologiyaning nazariy asoslari” fani uchun oliy taʼlim talabalarida ushbu fan doirasida nazariy koʻnikmalarini rivojlantirish boʻyicha samarali strategiyalarni oʻz ichiga olgan. Oliy ta’lim muhitiga oʻtayotgan talabalar duch keladigan muammolarni hisob olgan holda ushbu qoʻllanma, talabalar uchun muhim boʻlgan fundamental bilim va koʻnikmalarni yoritib beradi.
This textbook, titled "Theoretical Basis of Phraseology," is designed for students of the 60230100 – Philology and Teaching Languages (English) specialty, covering the course "Theoretical Foundations of Phraseology." It includes effective strategies for developing theoretical skills within the framework of this course for higher education students. Taking into account the challenges that students face when transitioning to higher education, this textbook illuminates fundamental knowledge and skills that are crucial for students.
This textbook was created in accordance with the new curriculum for students of higher educational institutions. The textbook serves to improve knowledge and skills in teaching language models and constructions during the lesson, teaches how to correctly use grammatical and lexical forms during the lesson. In addition, it is expected to teach students ways and methods of analyzing texts in a foreign language, different points of view on text analysis, aspects that should be taken into account when analyzing text.
The textbook is recommended for students of the specialty 60111800 - Foreign language and literature (the English language) as tutorial literature on “Practice of teaching language aspects”.
The educational manual is devoted to the study of the main problems of phraseology of the English language. The manual is intended for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of language faculties and universities, as well as for specialists and all those who are interested in the problems of English phraseology. The educational manual examines problems related to the semantics of English phraseological units, structure and linguocultural features. Moreover, the problems of derivation and etymology of phraseological units in the English language are studied.
The educational manual is recommended for students of the specialty 70230101 – Linguistics (the English language) as tutorial literature on “Theoretical basis of phraseology”.
This textbook is oriented to to provide students with practical and theoretical information about audiovisual translation. It draws on the specific aspects of education and the aim of the course is to develop translation skills through film translation, subtitling, translation methods and exercises.
The textbook is recommended for students of the specialty 60230200 - Translation Theory and Practice as tutorial literature on “Audiovisual translation”.
“Reading and Writing” is designed for English language learners and seeks to improve students' understanding and ability in research writing. It includes vocabulary and a glossary related to the topics and is intended to help with writing a research proposal and a literature review, presenting data in various graphical and tabular formats, avoiding plagiarism, writing scientific articles, and improving your English through listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The textbook takes a task-based approach and includes a variety of activities designed to help students enhance their language skills in real-world scenarios. The activities can be utilized in both practical classes with students and for self-study.
The textbook is recommended for students of the specialty 60110900 - Foreign language and literature (the English language) as tutorial literature on “Reading and writing”.
This textbook "Written translation and Editing" consists of two parts, with meaningfully organized sections, written translation issues for discussion, exercises for text analysis, editing methods, important practical discussions and examples for practical work. Each unit includes a range of reference materials, tasks, translation activities and assignments to develop not only translation skills during practical sessions, but also independent editing skills. The chapters cover all the main aspects of written translation and editing, as well as fundamental knowledge, and optimal solutions for all thematic translation problems of topics for translators in real translation situations.
The textbook is intended for master's degree students of the specialty 70230203- literary translation (English language) and recommended as an educational literature for the subject of "Written translation and editing".