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  This textbook was created in accordance with the new curriculum for students of higher educational institutions. The textbook serves to improve knowledge and skills in teaching language models and constructions during the lesson, teaches how to correctly use grammatical and lexical forms during the lesson. In addition, it is expected to teach students ways and methods of analyzing texts in a foreign language, different points of view on text analysis, aspects that should be taken into account when analyzing text.

 The textbook is recommended for students of the specialty 60111800 - Foreign language and literature (the English language) as tutorial literature on “Practice of teaching language aspects”.

2024-10-25 13:59:03 | ko'rishlar soni: 106 | Yuklab olindi: 47-marta

The educational manual is devoted to the study of the main problems of phraseology of the English language. The manual is intended for students, undergraduates, doctoral students and teachers of language faculties and universities, as well as for specialists and all those who are interested in the problems of English phraseology. The educational manual examines problems related to the semantics of English phraseological units, structure and linguocultural features. Moreover, the problems of derivation and etymology of phraseological units in the English language are studied.

The educational manual is recommended for students of the specialty 70230101 – Linguistics (the English language) as tutorial literature on “Theoretical basis of phraseology”.

2024-10-24 16:18:47 | ko'rishlar soni: 97 | Yuklab olindi: 31-marta

This textbook is oriented to to provide students with practical and theoretical information about audiovisual translation. It draws on the specific aspects of education and the aim of the course is to develop translation skills through film translation, subtitling, translation methods and exercises.

The textbook is recommended for students of the specialty 60230200 - Translation Theory and Practice as tutorial literature on “Audiovisual translation”.

2024-10-24 15:40:47 | ko'rishlar soni: 78 | Yuklab olindi: 38-marta

“Reading and Writing” is designed for English language learners and seeks to improve students' understanding and ability in research writing. It includes vocabulary and a glossary related to the topics and is intended to help with writing a research proposal and a literature review, presenting data in various graphical and tabular formats, avoiding plagiarism, writing scientific articles, and improving your English through listening, reading, writing, and speaking. The textbook takes a task-based approach and includes a variety of activities designed to help students enhance their language skills in real-world scenarios. The activities can be utilized in both practical classes with students and for self-study. 

The textbook is recommended for students of the specialty 60110900 - Foreign language and literature (the English language) as tutorial literature on “Reading and writing”.

2024-10-24 15:30:59 | ko'rishlar soni: 130 | Yuklab olindi: 53-marta

This textbook "Written translation and Editing" consists of two parts, with meaningfully organized sections, written translation issues for discussion, exercises for text analysis, editing methods, important practical discussions and examples for practical work. Each unit includes a range of reference materials, tasks, translation activities and assignments to develop not only translation skills during practical sessions, but also independent editing skills. The chapters cover all the main aspects of written translation and editing, as well as fundamental knowledge, and optimal solutions for all thematic translation problems of topics for translators in real translation situations.

The textbook is intended for master's degree students of the specialty 70230203- literary translation (English language) and recommended as an educational literature for the subject of "Written translation and editing".

2024-10-23 16:11:07 | ko'rishlar soni: 91 | Yuklab olindi: 39-marta

Данное учебное пособие под названием “Пропедевтический курс русского языка” - предназначено для студентов по направлению 600111700 – Русский язык в иноязычных группах. Это  учебное пособие помогает  фoрмирoвaнию кoммуникaтивнoй кoмпетенции студента, повысить  вoсприятие  письмa, чтения, речи.  Цель данного учебного источника - усовершенствование навыков и умений по курсу Пропедевтический курс русского языка, повышение уровня знаний и  практического владения русским языком.

2024-08-12 15:05:31 | ko'rishlar soni: 126 | Yuklab olindi: 49-marta

«Ilmiy ish asoslari» fanining o'quv dasturi asosida tuzilgan ushbu darslik 60111800 - Xorijiy til va adabiyoti (ingliz tili) ta’lim yo‘nalishi bo’yicha tahsil olayotgan 2-kurs tаlаbаlаrigа аkаdemik bilimlаr аsоsini berish hаmdа ilmiy tаdqiqоt uchun zаruriy bilim vа texnikаlаrni egаllаsh vа ulаrdаn fоydаlаnish uchun mо‘ljаllаngаn.

This manual, compiled on the basis of the curriculum of the subject “Basis of Academic Reseаrch” 60111800, provides the basis for academic knowledge for 2nd year students studying a foreign language and literature (English) and necessary for scientific research intended for the acquisition and use of knowledge and technology.

Based on this manual, students learn to understand theoretical information through various practical exercises. Thus, they will have a basic knowledge of the format, content, methods and approaches of writing articles and dissertations.

2024-08-12 15:01:05 | ko'rishlar soni: 270 | Yuklab olindi: 82-marta

Turniyazov Behzod Ne’matovich, Turniyazova Ruxsora Behzod qizi. Kauzatologiya asoslari. Monografiya.

Monografiya hozirgi o‘zbek tili kauzatologiyasi muammolari tadqiqiga bag‘ishlangan bo‘lib, unda lingvistikaning yo‘nalishlaridan biri sifatida kauzatologiya sohasining shakllanganligi ilmiy asoslab berildi. Ishda kauzatsiyaning mental, semantik, leksik, morfologik, sintaktik kabi turlarining tekshiruv obyekti xususida so‘z boradi. Monografiyadan oliy o‘quv yurtlari filologik yo‘nalishi fakultetlarining professor-o‘qituvchilari, tadqiqotchi hamda magistrantlari foydalanishlari mumkin.

2024-08-07 11:14:48 | ko'rishlar soni: 193 | Yuklab olindi: 100-marta

Mazkur o’quv  qo’llanmada  fransuz frazeologiyasining  nazariy va metodologik aspektlari, frazeologik birlik  va  so’z  o’rtasidagi  munosabat,   frazeologik  birliklarga  xos  struktur  xususiyatlar va  ularni  leksik, grammatik  hamda  semantik  jihatdan  tahlil  qilish  tamoyillari, paremiologik birliklarga xos lingvomadaniy  xususiyatlar borasida ilmiy-nazariy tushunchalar berilgan bo’lib, u 70230101 -  Lingvistika (fransuz tili)  mutaxassisligining 1-kurs magistrantlariga  hamda frazeologiya fanining dolzarb masalalariga qiziquvchilar uchun mo‘ljallangan. 

This textbook examines the theoretical and methodological aspects of French phraseology, the relationship between phraseological units and words, the structural features of phraseological units and the principles of their lexical, grammatical and semantic analysis, and presents the scientific-theoretical фтв linguocultural features of paremiological units. This textbook is intended for 1st year master's students of specialty 70230101 - Linguistics (French) and for those who are interested in current issues of phraseology

2024-07-10 21:32:50 | ko'rishlar soni: 151 | Yuklab olindi: 61-marta

Mazkur o‘quv qo‘llanmada bu fanning konseptual unsurlari, strukturasi, ilmiy bilish metodologiyasiga oid tayanch tushunchalar va tamoyillari o‘zi ifodasini topgan. O‘quv qo‘llanmaga  magistrantlarda tadqiqot olib borish malakasini shakllantirish uchun zarur bo‘lgan bilimlarni berish, dolzarb ilmiy muammolarni mustaqil tahlil qilish, zamonaviy tadqiqot usullarini o‘rganish, izlanish samaradorligini oshirishga qaratilgan savollar o‘rin olgan.

60111800 – Foreign language and literature (English) and 60320100 Journalism (International Journalism) are recommended as textbooks for undergraduate students in the field of “Philosophy” and cover all the main issues of this discipline.

     The textbook helps to theoretically understand the laws, categories and principles of philosophy and apply them in practice. This also forms the scientific worldview of students and helps them correctly determine their position in life. From this point of view, this textbook has theoretical and practical significance.

2024-07-10 21:26:54 | ko'rishlar soni: 580 | Yuklab olindi: 99-marta