El manual propuesto esta disenado para una amplia gama de principiantes que aprenden a espanol.
Puede tambien utilizarse en instituciones de educacion superior para el aprendizaje del espanol como segunda lengua, como su lexico-gramatical minimo corresponde al programa de las facultades humanitarias.
El objetivo del manual — contribuir a la asimilacion practica por el espaсol, la asimilacion de las reglas basicas de la pronunciacion y la gramatica, la adquisicion del vocabulario necesario, el desarrollo de las practicas de la lectura y la comprensiуn de los textos de la dificultad media, tambien la asimilacion por las practicas de la traduccion.
Ademas, este manual tiene el objetivo hacer conocer a los estudiantes con el minimo hablado y escrito del lexico de negocios que es importante especialmente hoy en la practica que hablan en la lengua extranjera.
Uluqov N. Tilshunoslik nazariyasi. O'quv qo’llanma. Toshkent.: «Barkamol fayz mediya», 2016. 192 b.
Universitetlaming filologiya va tillarni o'qitish (o'zbek filologiyasi) bakalavriat ta'lim yo'nalishi 1-kurs talabalari uchun mo’ljallangan mazkur o'quv qo'llanmada tilshunoslik fani, uning yo'nalish va bo'limlari, til va jamiyat til va tafakkur, til va nutq munosabati, til birliklari va nutq birliklari, tilning tizim sifatidagi ichki tuzilishi, tillar tasnifi kabi masalalar yoritilgan.
Irgasheva S., Brewerton B., Abduraimova Y., Vishegurova S. Being a teacher. Tashkent.: Fan va texnologiya, 2016. -280 p.
This course is about being a teacher. If this were a traditional teacher-training course, your trainer would give lectures and you would read articles about the theory and practice of teaching. This is not a traditional teacher-training course. In this course, you will spend most of your time in activities with your classmates. Through these activities, you will learn how to think what good teachers think, feel what good English teachers feel, and do what good teachers do.
Alimova K., Brewerton B., Mukhammedova N. Becoming a teacher. Tashkent.: Fan va texnologiya, 2016. 236 p.
This course is about becoming a teacher. If this were a traditional teacher-training course, you would listen to lectures and read articles about the theory and practice of teaching. This is not a traditional teacher-training course. In this course, you will spend most of your time taking part in activities with your classmates. Through these activities, you will learn how to think what good teachers think, feel what good English teachers feel, and do what good teachers do.
Maksumov A. English grammar: theory and usage. Tashkent.: Cho'lpon, 2016. 320 p.
In preparing this book it has been the purpose of the author to make a concise students' grammar of English, designed for learning in high schools in which, there is need of a systematic course in the subject.
Attempts have been made to tell or acquire a little history, prescription, description of the English language, and mainly its grammar. The author's aim is to capture not only practical and theoretical, but pedagogical goals in teaching.
From the first items the students are introduced to the notions-language as a whole and its components, the way of forming various types of usage of morphological and syntactical units, then their peculiar properties.
Alisher Navoiy:qomusiy lug'at. Toshkent.: Sharq, 2016
Alisher Navoiy xalqimizning ongi va tafakkuri badiiy madaniyati tarixida butun bir davrni tashkil etadigan buyuk shaxs, milliy adabiyotimizning tengsiz namoyondasi, millatimizning g'ururi, sha'nu sharafini dunyoga tarannum qilgan o'lmas so'z san'atkoridir.
Ta'bir joyiz bo'lsa, olamda turkiy va forsiy tilda so'zlovchi biron-bir inson yo'qki, u Navoiyni bilmasa, Navoiyni sevmasa, Navoiyga sadoqat va e'tiqod bilan qaramasa.
Agar bu ulug' zotni avliyo desak, u avliyolarning avliyosi, mutafakkir desak, mutafakkirlarning mutafakkiri, shoir desak, shoirlarning sultonidir.
Islom Karimov.
Teshaboyeva Z. Boburnomadagi frazeologik birliklar va paremiyalarning inglizcha tarjimalari lug'ati. T.: O'ZDJTU, 2016
Mazkur lug’at mumtoz asar "Boburnoma"dagi frazeologik birliklarning J. Leyden-V.Erskin (1826), A. S. Beverij (1921) va V. Tekstonlarning (1996) inglizcha tarjimalarida qanday o’girilganligi va tarjima ekvivalentlariga bag’ishlanadi. Davrma-davr olib borilgan tadqiqotlar, asliyat bilan tarjimalar orasidagi farqlar va muqobillari lug’atda aks etgan. Lug’at boburshunos olimlar va tadqiqotchilar, tarjimonlar, oliy o’quv yurtlari ingliz tili o’qituvchilari, oliy o’quv yurti talabalari, ingliz tilini chuqur o’rganuvchilar va keng o’quvchilar ommasiga mo’ljallangan.
Ризаев Б.Х. Функционально-семантическое поле лимитативности в современном немецком языке. Самарканд: СамГИИЯ. - 2013 - 164 с.
В монографии рассматривается широкий круг проблем, связанных с планом содержания и выражения категории лимитативности, которая представляет собой ядро функционально-семантического поля аспектуальности в современном немецком языке.
Для научных работников общеязыковедческого профиля, специалистов-германистов, докторантов, магистрантов и студентов-филологов.
Navoiy: novel / Oybek. Translators: I.M. Tukhtasinov, O.M. Muminov. Editor-in-Chief: A.A. Khamidov. - Tashkent.: Yangi asr avlodi, 2016. - 468 p.
In this novel Oybek depicts Alisher Navoiy's way of life, social life and complicated political events of that time. He writes the following about creation of this novel in his autobiography: «The image of Navoiy showed itself in many classical poems of mine and, at last, I finished writing the novel "Navoiy" in 1942". This work has been published in 1944 after different kinds of discussions.
Yormatova D. Yusuf and Zulaikha. Toshkent.: Fan va texnologiya, 2016
Yusuf and Zulaikha's love story is one of the ancient, people's unique and blessed Love poems of the countries. It has been expounded in prose. This great love story describes the way of life of characters, their difficulties, love disease in a different way, not similar to others, It convinces that the divine feelings and the victory of honesty, truth have been achieved after the difficulties and hardship.
Trie main task of the book is to glorify Love and to highlight work, torture, suffering, separation in the way of love. In fact this story describes a female love and praises it. The readers will be aware of the pure, beautiful love feelings, faithfulness of a woman in the process of events of the story