Kurs ishlari


Cultural imperialism is defined as the cultural aspects of imperialism. Imperialism, here, is referring to the creation and maintenance of unequal relationships between civilizations favoring the more powerful civilization.

2015-03-04 11:28:59 | ko'rishlar soni: 4255 | Yuklab olindi: 2706-marta

This short history of the Tower of London charts the different stages of its development. 

2015-03-04 11:28:26 | ko'rishlar soni: 2355 | Yuklab olindi: 1138-marta

Uzbeks likely take their name from a khan. A leader of the Golden Horde in the fourteenth century was named Uzbek, though he did not rule over the people who would share his name.

2015-03-04 11:27:49 | ko'rishlar soni: 2701 | Yuklab olindi: 1404-marta

Urbanization in the 19th Century U.S.A. Prompt: “As the century drew to a close, the explosion of cities paradoxically made Americans more diverse and more similar at the same time.” Assess the validity of this statement.

2015-03-04 11:27:02 | ko'rishlar soni: 2533 | Yuklab olindi: 1218-marta

Italyan tilida  bog‘lovchi so‘z turkumlarining o‘zgarmas qismi bo‘lib, ikki va undan ortiq so‘zlarni, yoki ikki va undan ortiq gaplarni bog‘lash uchun xizmat qiladi.

2015-02-27 17:55:43 | ko'rishlar soni: 3166 | Yuklab olindi: 1756-marta

Urban areas face daunting economic challenges that have increased in scope in recent years. At the same time, cities provide exciting opportunities for growth and revitalization. 

2015-02-27 17:55:19 | ko'rishlar soni: 2357 | Yuklab olindi: 1092-marta

Since love has always been a great topic and interest for the writers and poets, I have also decided to outline this theme completely in my own way

2015-02-27 17:54:53 | ko'rishlar soni: 2196 | Yuklab olindi: 1049-marta

The main characters of Fables are public domain figures from folklore, mythology, and literature. Bill Willingham has said the only considerations in deciding whether or not he chooses to use a character are "is the character or story free for use?" and "do I want to use it?" Most of the characters seen so far are from European stories. 

2015-02-27 17:54:25 | ko'rishlar soni: 2038 | Yuklab olindi: 883-marta

Italyan tili grammatikasining ko‘pchilik xususiyati romanshuno tilshunoslar tomonidan har tomonlama ishlab chiqilgan. Biroq, shuni ta’kidlash kerakki, italyan tili morfologiyasida mustahkam va keng o‘rin egallagan fe’l so‘z turkumi o‘ta serqirraligi bois hanuz ilmiy tadqiqotlar ob’ekti bo‘lib kelmoqda.  

2015-02-24 17:15:07 | ko'rishlar soni: 2616 | Yuklab olindi: 1293-marta

18 asr boshida fransuz adabiyoti yangi davrga qadam bosdi, bu davrning o‘ziga xos xususiyati – tadrijiy rivojlanib kelayotgan yangi uslub – klassitsizmning vujudga kelishidir. 

2015-02-24 17:14:38 | ko'rishlar soni: 4808 | Yuklab olindi: 2843-marta