Muallif: Maxmudova M.

Chop etilgan yil: 0

Nashriyot: SamDCHTI

Chop etilgan shahar: Samarqand

Actuality of theme. At the present time it is important to use innovative technology in English language teaching and it is considered to be valuable  and required themes of nowadays, because of ever increasing role of technology it is difficult to imagine any classroom without modern tools and projectors. With the innovation of software tools educational system of learning foreign language became comfortable and flexible at the same time it brought some advantages and disadvantages, which are disputable among scientists and researches around the world.

The first chapter  presents information  about  up to date requirements  and innovations with their concepts, advantages and disadvantages of using it. Notion of information communication technologies is analysed  however the aim of teachers should be to develop   students’ communicative skills, making them self-confident and broad minded by using modern technologies.

The second chapter describes information about   the way of implementation of innovative technology , moreover to answer  the questions  when and how to implement  modern technology in teaching.

2019-01-23 09:45:24 | ko'rishlar soni: 1532 | Yuklab olindi: 689-marta