Muallif: Gafur Gulom

Chop etilgan yil: 2017

Nashriyot: Yangi asr avlodi

Chop etilgan shahar: Toshkent

  A Naughty Boy. Gafur Gulom/ Translators: I.M. Tukhtasinov,  U.R.Yoldoshev. - Tashkent: Yangi asr avlodi, 2017. -128 pages

  Gafur Gulom (1903-1966) is one of great writers and poets in Uzbek literature. He was born in Tashkent city on May 10, 1903. His parents died when he was a teenager. The story “A Naughty Boy” is about his childhood. The writer described hard times of that peiod, the effect of the war in ordinary people's social life. Travelling through the villages by the main character of this story on the pur­pose of earning money gave the opportunity to feel the hard time in life at the period of the war. Gafur Gulom used the genre satire in decribing these feaqtures of the story.

  The story is translated with the aim to provide a unique oppor­tunity for English speaking readers to get acquainted with the social life of the mid - XX century in the history of Uzbek people and for students who are eager to enhance their understanding and knowl­edge by comprehending Uzbek culture and humor. We hope that all the members of the world community will have a chance to admire the cultural heritage of Uzbek people.

2018-02-03 13:27:52 | ko'rishlar soni: 2743 | Yuklab olindi: 1111-marta