Muallif: Yusupova Sh.A., Sadiyeva N.O.

Chop etilgan yil: 2005

Nashriyot: Samarqand davlat chet tillar instituti

Chop etilgan shahar: Samarqand

Lexicology is the part of linguistics, which deals with the vocabulary of a language and the properties of words as the main units of a language. The term lexicology consists of two Greek morphemes. "Lexis" which means words and phrases, and "logos" which means sciences. So lexicology means the sciences of words. Every language consists of words. The word is the main unit of a given language having a sound form and grammatical form.

2015-02-26 18:07:20 | ko'rishlar soni: 2767 | Yuklab olindi: 1133-marta