Muallif: Namozova Feruza

Chop etilgan yil: 2014

Nashriyot: Samarqand davlat chet tillar instituti

Chop etilgan shahar: Samarqand

Actuality of  theme of the  research. Foreign language teaching is considered to be   one of the most important parts of teaching process in our Republic.  As well as all parts of teaching, writing is being considered as most important of educating foreign language. The actuality of this work is in its creative approach to the study and methods of teaching writing, besides, it contains a detailed review of ways and methods of teaching writing and improving writing skills. As  we consider the knowledge of a foreign language is evaluated in 4 main language skills: speaking, writing, reading and listening. All these skills add each other and are valuable. Writing is a rather serious task and it demands  a lot:  beautiful handwriting, correct spelling, proper grammar and  valuable logical meaning. That’s why it   creates more difficulties to students than other language skills. For a proper writing students should master   not only grammar,  but  vocabulary, syntax and logics. In our research work we combined methods of writing   which will  take in consideration all these matters. 

The work will be valuable for them who want to know about the writing process, modern ways of teaching it and for them who want   to use these ways of teaching at  lessons,  because we’ve tried   to underline  the main useful characteristics of them, and show their advantages.

 The writing process is both a key concept in the teaching of writing and an important research concept in the field of composition studies.

Generally the writing process is seen as consisting of five stages:

  • Prewriting
  • Drafting
  • Revising
  •  Editing: proofreading
  • Publishing

These stages can be described at increasing levels of complexity for both younger students and more advanced writers. The five stages, however, are seldom described as fixed steps in a straightforward process. Rather, they tend to be viewed as overlapping parts of a complex whole. Thus, for instance, a writer might find that, while editing a text, she needs to go back to draft more prose, or to revise earlier parts of what she has written.

  The   aim  of the research   is to  demonstrate  modern ways of teaching writing process in   foreign languages, find out which method  of teaching is more successful for usage.  We   have chosen this theme, because  our duty as a future teacher is to teach pupils/students  properly, to give them enough knowledge  of  English. For these reasons, as well as other teachers of English we   must know about writing process and ways of teaching it and how to use them during English lesson.  That is why, the theory of methods of teaching and practical aspects of them will be widely discussed in  this  research work. 

      The main tasks of the research work  are:

- to present methods of developing  writing  skills  effectively;

-to investigate the steps of writing process, their peculiarities and difficulties;

-to enlighten   the main problem of the research work;

-to improve   writing skills by new effective methods and tasks;

-to give important information about writing an essay, scientific article and letter.

Object of the research work  -  teaching writing and improving writing skills at all stages and levels of  foreign languages teaching.

Subject of the research work - written speech of students at English lessons.

Methods of  inquiry

  • Analysis of scientific and methodical literature on the study; 
  • Summarizing the experience of leading educators, psychologists and trainers; 
  • Method of observation; 
  • Trial  training;
  • Inductive-deductive method;
  • Descriptive method.  

          Problems solved in teaching writing, linked to the creation conditions for mastery of content teaching writing. They include in themselves to offer students the necessary graphic automatisms, speechmaking skills to formulate his thoughts in accordance with writing style, knowledge and outlook, learning and culture intellectual willingness to create content written product of speech, formation of an authentic representation of a subject  content, style of speech and graphic form of a written text [6,34].

Written speech allows you to save the language and factual knowledge is reliable tool for thinking, stimulates speaking, listening and reading a foreign language. If you correctly identify the purpose of learning to write and writing, consider the role of letters in the development of other skills, using exercises all relevant objectives, do these exercises on a suitable the training stage, the spoken language gradually becomes richer and more logical.

Supporting role, email is the formulation of grammatical  skill in the performance of writing tasks from simple cheating to tasks that require a creative approach that creates the necessary conditions to remember. Without relying on a letter to students is difficult to keep in mind lexical and grammatical material. 

2015-02-24 16:16:58 | ko'rishlar soni: 2879 | Yuklab olindi: 1556-marta