Muallif: Ablokulova Ozoda

Chop etilgan yil: 2014

Nashriyot: Samarqand davlat chet tillar instituti

Chop etilgan shahar: Samarqand

Actuality of the theme of the research.   The problem of teaching English by communicative  method is very important  and actual nowadays because  knowledge of language  is valued by the  ability of speaking and communicating in a foreign language without any difficulties.  In this work both theoretical and practical approaches of  communicative teaching are described in details.

The problem of  communicative teaching  was  investigated by a large number of scientists in methodology  such as V. Allen, H. Brown, J. Richards and T. Rodgers, W. Littlewood,  D. Nunan,  J. Towell  and others. They investigated  communicative teaching  foreign languages  in different ways for students of different levels.  This   work presents  a rich material on how to teach and make teaching foreign languages effective and fruitful.   All demonstrated teaching methods  are widely approved in many prestigious universities of the USA and the UK  and communicative activities with games including  the variations of taking notes during the lesson. 

All the methods are embodied in the theory and practical part. As a theory we  give research of professional language teachers who studied the methods they considered   as useful and effective and put their opinion on teaching English communication. So this work describes the communicative methods, gives tests proving its effectiveness and touches some problem spots on them. Then follows the practical part containing examples of taking these methods and activities in the classroom.

          Games during lesson  have great educational value. Games should be treated as central not peripheral to the foreign language teaching program. There are many advantages of using games: they are highly motivating and entertaining and they can give shy students more opportunity to express their opinions and feelings. They also enable learners to acquire new experiences within a foreign language which are not always possible during a typical lesson. [73]

         The communicative methods of teaching language are the best ways of making this process easy and effective.  Moreover, they make the students learn the language with fullest enthusiasm, desire and interest. The communicative activities and games make common lesson very interesting, unusual and bright. The students feel the real atmosphere of the learned language.  Today only the communicative methods of teaching foreign vocabulary can reply   the required demands of educating audience.

The aim of the research  is    investigation of  the communicative methods  of  teaching  foreign languages (in our case English)  and making this process interesting and motivating  for  students to learn the language  easily, desirably and quickly.

 The tasks of the research:

  • to investigate the modern communicative ways of teaching  foreign languages;
  • to create real atmosphere for communicative language teaching;
  • to analyze each of the communicative methods pointing positive sides of them;
  • to  make a serious research on  classroom activities devoted  to teaching different language skills by interesting games and communicative tasks;
  • to pay attention to the peculiarities of communicative ways of  teaching   foreign languages;
  • to study the role of a teacher in teaching process;
  • to present the ideas and opinions  of famous methodologists and  language teachers on this theme. 

The object  of the  research is  modern, communicative  and effective methods and classroom activities for teaching foreign languages.

The subject of the  research  is the complex of results and effects of using communicative methods of teaching  different language skills and embedding them into classroom activities.

The methodological  ground of the research   is  built on the   information about  communicative teaching foreign languages  and developing language skills in  theoretical and practical  issues and books  of world famous scientists-methodologists and English teachers. Moreover, some methodological journals and web-sites were used for finding necessary   information   on this theme.

We have used the following methods of inquiry:

  • analysis of scientific and methodical literature on the study,  
  • descriptive method,  
  • inductive-deductive method,
  • method of observation,  
  • communicative methods of teaching  foreign languages.

The scientific novelty is  revealed in the complex approach to teaching foreign languages paying attention to its main language skills (grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, etc.):  both theoretical and practical analysis of the classroom activities and completely new methods of teaching foreign languages.    Each of the activities is described  in details  with presenting the goals and results  of using them.   

The structure of the research.   It consists of   the following  parts: Introduction,  three chapters,  Conclusion and  List of used literature.   Each chapter consists of two or three paragraphs and   smaller parts.

 Chapter I is dedicated to a teaching process, its elements and  the role of teacher in the teaching process. 

Chapter II studies out communicative approach in teaching foreign languages, advantages of communicative language teaching. Moreover, an example of a lesson is demonstrated in this chapter.  

Chapter III has demonstrated practical ways of using various activities in teaching foreign languages paying attention to language skills and teaching grammar, vocabulary, listening, speaking, etc.

Conclusion compiles the most significant results of the research.  

List of used literature consists of  more than   70   theoretical works and journals which were used for writing the research work.  

2015-02-24 16:14:40 | ko'rishlar soni: 3061 | Yuklab olindi: 1401-marta